PPUH "KOCOŃ" Sp.j. K.Kocoń, J.Kocoń is a company that was established in 2001. The headquarter of the company is located in Rycerka Górna. In Rycerka Dolna- a subsidary of the company- logistics facilities (yards where goods are stored up and then loaded) is located.
The company focuses on domestic and foreign wholesale distribution of goods such as roundwood, pallet boards and biomass in the form of sawdust and wood chips. The company is equipped with 4 modern and automatic production lines. The company is focused on constant development and is looking for new investment opportunities- also in 2021.

We specialise in:
forest management in a broad sense, especially wood extraction
manufacturing and distribution of sawmill’s goods
wholesale wood selling
We highly encourage You to check our offer!
We sell and deliver biomass
such as sawdust and wood chips.
We also sell roundwood and pallet boards.