


Dear Clients and Partners,

PPUH "KOCOŃ" Sp.j. K.Kocoń, J.Kocoń is a company that was established in 2001. The headquarter of the company is located in Rycerka Górna. In Rycerka Dolna- a subsidary of the company- logistics facilities (yards where goods are stored up and then loaded) is located.

The company focuses on domestic and foreign wholesale distribution of goods such as roundwood, pallet boards and biomass in the form of sawdust and wood chips. The company is equipped with 4 modern and automatic production lines. The company is focused on constant development and is looking for new investment opportunities- also in 2021.



Korzystając z okazji Świąt Bożego Narodzenia,Pragniemy złożyć wszystkim naszym KlientomNajserdeczniejsze i szczere życzenia:Szczęścia, wiary, nadziei i pomyślności. Wesołych Świąt Więcej >>








Forest Management and Wood Extraction
Manufacturing of sawmill’s goods
Wholesale wood selling
Our own fleet vehicle and groundwork equipment
Domestic and foreign transportation


At the beggining of 2019 we were pleased to host the crew from DISCOVERY CHANNEL POLSKA. They wanted to shoot a programme called ”Professionals: Woodsmen” with our participation . We present a movie which was shot at that time.

In today’s episode of „Professionals: Woodsmen” we can see work at sawmill that is located in Rycerka Górna. A foreman Andrzej and his team have to deal with the breakdown of woodworking machine- every minute of the outage has its price.